This article, completely original, is copyrighted by its author, me. Please do not reproduce it.

本文为原创作品,作者 Kolyn090 拥有其著作权,受法律保护。严禁复制、转载、仿冒或以任何形式使用。

Category: App Showcase

License: OSL-3.0 License

[source code]


The Oxford Picture Dictionary was made based on The New Oxford Picture Dictionary: Monolingual English Edition by Parnwell et al. at Oxford University Press. In the first paragraph of the Preface, the authors have described the book as:

The New Oxford Picture Dictionary contextually illustrates over 2,400 words. The book is a unique language learning tool for students of English. It provides students a glance at American lifestyle, as well as compendium of useful vocabulary.


This project has not been authorized by Oxford University Press. Any image products come from The New Oxford Picture Dictionary used in this project are owned by Oxford University Press. I am using them for practice and educational purposes.

❌ What you cannot do to this project:

  1. use any material presented in it for commercial purpose
  2. sell it to others (not even a modified version)
  3. use AI tools to analyze it
  4. use it in an advertising-supported website
  5. use it in a product that generates revenue
  6. Change the license

✔ What you can do to this project:

  1. Improve this project, like clone, fork & send a Pull Request
  2. Academic research & education
  3. Non-profit organizations

In this project, I have:

  • Greatly improved image resolution by utilizing AI Image enhancement
  • Made numbered tags interactive
  • Implemented pan and pinch
  • Made vocabulary audible
  • Implemented multilingual feature

Using Oxford Picture Dictionary

The Oxford Picture Dictionary is designed for easy use. Simply click a numbered tag on the image to display the vocabulary, along with its pronunciation.


Other controls




Requirement: MacOS system with XCode downloaded.

Minimal Deployments requirement: iOS 17.0

Clone this repository and open it in XCode. Trust the project, build and run with a device of your choice.

App Store

Not yet available.


Not yet available.

Adding new content

New scenario (English)

  1. Go to Assets, add your new image to pages folder. Rename the image to p104 if it’s not already existing. Otherwise, use p105 and so on. Make sure the numbers are consecutive.
  2. Go to ContentView.swift, change the field isUsingDrag to 1.
  3. In ContentView.swift, change the field langManager’s defaultPage to the number of the page you just added. Ex. defaultPage: 104 if your image is named p104.
  4. Choose a simulator (highly recommend iPads for higher precision) and run the project.
  5. You should now see something like below after everything has been fully loaded. Next, drag the red dot located in the left-upper corner of the image to anywhere you like. pic3
  6. Check the XCode console, you should see a position being printed whenever you finish dragging. Ex. 0.5954198473282443,0.10178117048346055
  7. Find the WordsPosition folder in the project. Add a new file with exact the same name as the image you just added. (i.e. name your file p104 if your image is named p104)
  8. In the newly created file, add XPosition,YPosition as the first line of the file.
  9. Copy the position from the console and paste it to the next line of the file. If you are uncertain, you can inspect the existing files in WordsPosition. After you finish this step, the position of the new word is completed.
  10. Now add the actual word. To do so, locate folder Words-en in the project, add a new file in it ang give it name p104-en if your image is named p104.
  11. Within the newly created file, enter the title of the scenario in the first line. (ex. People and Relationships)
  12. In the next line, enter the actual word. (ex. husband)
  13. Repeat steps 5-12 to add more words to the scenario. Again, if you are uncertain, you can inspect the existing files in Words-en.
  14. Congratulations! You have just added an English Scenario. Now go back to ContentView.swift and change field isUsingDrag to 0.
  15. Run the project. Since in step 3, you have changed the default page to 104(…or some other number), the first page you will see should be the scenario you just added. Now you can try to play it with en-US or en-UK to see if it actually works.
  16. If you want the default page to start from 2, change it in the field langManager, like you did in step 3.

  • You might be wondering why the pages starts from 2, this is because I was following the book, and it was designed this way.

Translate to (existing) languages

  1. Read and follow the above section ‘New scenario (English)’.
  2. Using Chinese as example, locate folder Words-zh-Hans (Simplified Chinese) or Words-zh-Hant (Traditional Chinese).
  3. Similar to the step 10 in the last section. If your image is named p104, add a new file and name it p104-zh-Hans (inside Words-zh-Hans) or name it p104-zh-Hant (inside Words-zh-Hant).
  4. Similar to the step 11 and 12 in the last section. Add a title. (ex. 人际关系) and words in the next lines (ex. 丈夫)
  5. It’s done! Now run the project and switch to Chinese to see if it works.

Adding a new language

  1. Locate file enum/Lang.swift, inside enum Lang, add a new case. The case should be the abbreviation of your language, and you should also assign a string value to it. This value will be the name of the icon of your new language. (ex. ja-JP for Japanese)
  2. That being said, go to Assets and add the icon under folder lang. Give it the same name as the string value.
  3. Locate Language/LangManager.swift and find the private function csvNameSuffix. Next, find the inner function getSuffix, add the new case to the switch statement. The case should be the abbreviation of your language (which was added by you) and the case should return the suffix of the word folder. (That is, where the words are stored. ex. If it returns "en", the folder it associates should be named Words-en, If it returns "ja", the folder it associates should be named Words-ja)
  4. That being said, create a new folder to store the words for your language. You should name it Words-[abbr. of your language] (ex. Words-ja for Japanese).
  5. Now your new language should be added. Remember, if you are uncertain, you can inspect and mimic the existing languages to see how things should be done.

  • This project is using Swift’s built-in Speech system, which means only the supported languages will have speech feature available. Moreover, you should name the string value and image according to this gist to enable speech for your language.

Share the app

This app is offered entirely free as an English learning tool, in recognition of Oxford University Press’s generosity in sharing educational resources. In that spirit, I encourage all derivative works based on this app to also be made freely available and open to the public. Beyond that, you are welcome to build upon and expand this project with your own ideas.

Helping with Translation

To help, please go to this google sheet. If you contribute high-quality translations, your name will be proudly featured on the Credits page.

If you wish to add a new language or if you have found a translation error, please contact me via email:

If you liked this showcase, consider giving a Star to this repository and the original repo.

🍯 Happy Coding 🍯

This article, completely original, is copyrighted by its author, me. Please do not reproduce it.

本文为原创作品,作者 Kolyn090 拥有其著作权,受法律保护。严禁复制、转载、仿冒或以任何形式使用。